Wednesday 27 August 2008 savings

Useful post on the new M50 toll charges here, but figuring out the cheapest option for casual users may be a little more complicated than you might think. The table below shows how much you'd save or be out of pocket using a tag for the first 113 times you use the new tolling system... If you see yourself using the M50 less than 80 or so times in the next few years, you might be best going for the video system...

Red means tolltag is more expensive or the same cost (for that many trips), green means tolltag is cheaper.

no. of usesvideo costtolltag costTT creditTT saving
12.50 40.00 37.80 -37.50
25.00 40.00 35.60 -35.00
37.50 40.00 33.40 -32.50
410.00 40.00 31.20 -30.00
512.50 40.00 29.00 -27.50
615.00 40.00 26.80 -25.00
717.50 40.00 24.60 -22.50
820.00 40.00 22.40 -20.00
922.50 40.00 20.20 -17.50
1025.00 40.00 18.00 -15.00
1127.50 40.00 15.80 -12.50
1230.00 40.00 13.60 -10.00
1332.50 60.00 31.40 -27.50
1435.00 60.00 29.20 -25.00
1537.50 60.00 27.00 -22.50
1640.00 60.00 24.80 -20.00
1742.50 60.00 22.60 -17.50
1845.00 60.00 20.40 -15.00
1947.50 60.00 18.20 -12.50
2050.00 60.00 16.00 -10.00
2152.50 60.00 13.80 -7.50
2255.00 80.00 31.60 -25.00
2357.50 80.00 29.40 -22.50
2460.00 80.00 27.20 -20.00
2562.50 80.00 25.00 -17.50
2665.00 80.00 22.80 -15.00
2767.50 80.00 20.60 -12.50
2870.00 80.00 18.40 -10.00
2972.50 80.00 16.20 -7.50
3075.00 80.00 14.00 -5.00
3177.50 100.00 31.80 -22.50
3280.00 100.00 29.60 -20.00
3382.50 100.00 27.40 -17.50
3485.00 100.00 25.20 -15.00
3587.50 100.00 23.00 -12.50
3690.00 100.00 20.80 -10.00
3792.50 100.00 18.60 -7.50
3895.00 100.00 16.40 -5.00
3997.50 100.00 14.20 -2.50
40100.00 100.00 12.00 0.00
41102.50 120.00 29.80 -17.50
42105.00 120.00 27.60 -15.00
43107.50 120.00 25.40 -12.50
44110.00 120.00 23.20 -10.00
45112.50 120.00 21.00 -7.50
46115.00 120.00 18.80 -5.00
47117.50 120.00 16.60 -2.50
48120.00 120.00 14.40 0.00
49122.50 120.00 12.20 2.50
50125.00 140.00 30.00 -15.00
51127.50 140.00 27.80 -12.50
52130.00 140.00 25.60 -10.00
53132.50 140.00 23.40 -7.50
54135.00 140.00 21.20 -5.00
55137.50 140.00 19.00 -2.50
56140.00 140.00 16.80 0.00
57142.50 140.00 14.60 2.50
58145.00 140.00 12.40 5.00
59147.50 160.00 30.20 -12.50
60150.00 160.00 28.00 -10.00
61152.50 160.00 25.80 -7.50
62155.00 160.00 23.60 -5.00
63157.50 160.00 21.40 -2.50
64160.00 160.00 19.20 0.00
65162.50 160.00 17.00 2.50
66165.00 160.00 14.80 5.00
67167.50 160.00 12.60 7.50
68170.00 180.00 30.40 -10.00
69172.50 180.00 28.20 -7.50
70175.00 180.00 26.00 -5.00
71177.50 180.00 23.80 -2.50
72180.00 180.00 21.60 0.00
73182.50 180.00 19.40 2.50
74185.00 180.00 17.20 5.00
75187.50 180.00 15.00 7.50
76190.00 180.00 12.80 10.00
77192.50 200.00 30.60 -7.50
78195.00 200.00 28.40 -5.00
79197.50 200.00 26.20 -2.50
80200.00 200.00 24.00 0.00
81202.50 200.00 21.80 2.50
82205.00 200.00 19.60 5.00
83207.50 200.00 17.40 7.50
84210.00 200.00 15.20 10.00
85212.50 200.00 13.00 12.50
86215.00 220.00 30.80 -5.00
87217.50 220.00 28.60 -2.50
88220.00 220.00 26.40 0.00
89222.50 220.00 24.20 2.50
90225.00 220.00 22.00 5.00
91227.50 220.00 19.80 7.50
92230.00 220.00 17.60 10.00
93232.50 220.00 15.40 12.50
94235.00 220.00 13.20 15.00
95237.50 240.00 31.00 -2.50
96240.00 240.00 28.80 0.00
97242.50 240.00 26.60 2.50
98245.00 240.00 24.40 5.00
99247.50 240.00 22.20 7.50
100250.00 240.00 20.00 10.00
101252.50 240.00 17.80 12.50
102255.00 240.00 15.60 15.00
103257.50 240.00 13.40 17.50
104260.00 260.00 31.20 0.00
105262.50 260.00 29.00 2.50
106265.00 260.00 26.80 5.00
107267.50 260.00 24.60 7.50
108270.00 260.00 22.40 10.00
109272.50 260.00 20.20 12.50
110275.00 260.00 18.00 15.00
111277.50 260.00 15.80 17.50
112280.00 260.00 13.60 20.00
113282.50 280.00 31.40 2.50


admin said...

Useful set of figures there - but the video option is only ever cheaper than any tag if you don't use up the credit on the toll tag. It's complicated by the 40 euro min starting balance - which is a lot for a "casual" user.
They should make video reg cheaper - it can't be any more costly to administer than all those tags?

Joe from www.moneyguideireland

CupawnTae said...

The thing is you *can't* use up all the credit, because of the auto-topup. There may be a way to claim back your unused credit but let's face it, when are you likely to do that unless you emigrate?

So as a user who uses the M50 at most once a month, the video system is going to work out cheaper for me for the next couple of years at least.

admin said...

The best all round option (I missed this before) is the eflow tag with the post-pay option. This is probably the best with no initial deposit required - just pay afterwards each month. It may "cost" more in charges for low volume users - but as you pointed out - the initial charge and top ups make the pre pay tags actually more expensive.
I have updated my post on www.moneyguideireland to reflect this.
Good Luck all you M50 users - you need it!